About BforeAI
BforeAI is a pioneer in Predictive Attack Intelligence and Digital Risk Protection Services (DRPS). Using behavioral AI, our PreCrime platforms aims to shift cyber defense from reactive to preemptive. With solutions for brand protection and threat intelligence, BforeAI is the industry’s fastest, most accurate automated online fraud protection.
BforeAI Story
BforeAI is the industry’s fastest, most accurate automated online fraud protection. Our autonomous PreCrime platform uses behavioral AI to predict, block, and preempt malicious campaigns before they impact your business. This evolutionary learning technology is constantly improving anomaly identification, while reducing false positives to 0.05%, enabling organization to stay one step ahead of attacks. Once a threat is identified, PreCrime’s unique preemption capabilities take as little as seven minutes to disrupt attacks before they happen. PreCrime is currently available for two primary use cases: PreCrime Brand is automated protection for your organization’s digital presence, using predictive intelligence to identify and disrupt malicious domains; and PreCrime Intelligence, our attack threat intelligence solution that goes beyond reactive blocklists to equip your team with the most extensive dataset of future malicious infrastructure.